
Samfirm aio tool
Samfirm aio tool

Qualcomm FRP: Firstly, open the tool, then choose Qualcomm (QLM) > Now, select your device model > Then, click on the Main Tab > Now, Click on the Reset FRP > Connect your device in EDL Mode.

samfirm aio tool samfirm aio tool

Screen Lock Reset (MTK): Firstly, open the tool, then select MediaTek (MTK) > Now, select Format > Then, click on the One Click Firmat + Reset FRP > Now, connect your device in Brom Mode.MTK FRP: Firstly, open the tool, then select MediaTek (MTK) > Now, select FRP and Mi Account > Then, click on the Reset FRP (MTK) > Now, connect your device in Brom Mode.Samsung FRP: Firstly, open the tool, then select Samsung > Connect your device in MTP Mode > Go to the emergency, then dial *#0*# > Click on One Click Reset FRP (Normal Mode).If already installed, then ignore this step. Otherwise, your computer will not detect your device. Also, the tool helps you to download the Samsung Firmware with high-speed internet.ĭownload and install SamFirm Aio Tool on your computer. SamFirm Aio Tool allows you to reset the FRP lock with a single click and flash your devices.

Samfirm aio tool